My Work Experience

Detailed information on my work history

FullStack Labs, Sacramento, CA
Software Engineer (January 2016 - Present)
  • Hired as one of the first employees to a very successful software development consultancy
  • Created web apps, mobile apps, and desktop apps to create pixel perfect designs to match prototypes created by the design team
  • Quickly picked up projects with unfamiliar technologies by self-learning new languages, frameworks, and APIs to implement new features based on clients’ needs
  • Created estimates, planned SCRUM Sprints, communicated directly with clients, and review other developers’ pull requests
  • Developed and deployed iOS and Android apps with React Native while following code practices focused on readability, modularity, and efficiency
  • Maintained a React Native chat application using and Node.js
  • Optimized a legacy HIPAA compliant Django web app and refactored inefficent Salesforce report generation speeds by 99%
  • Implemented SEO practices for company’s website to help raise Google page ranks to top 5 for numerous keywords
  • Maintained AWS RDS instances (beginner),AWS Elastic Beanstalk instances (beginner), AWS EC2 instances (beginner), Heroku servers, and Digital Ocean droplets
  • Created software development blog posts for the company blog centered around technologies I use on a day to day basis.
React NativeReactReduxJavascriptNode.jsSocket-ioMiddlemanRailsRubyPostgreSQLPythonDjangoSalesforce Apex (Beginner)FirebaseAWS (Beginner)NginxHerokuDigital OceanSEOHTMLCSSSASSWordpressShopify Liquid (Beginner)LinuxSCRUMAgile

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